Do the thing that you believe in.
Do the best you can in the place where you are and be kind.
(Scott Nearing)

Boozhoo To All My Relatives
(Brothers and Sisters)

Please join me by the fire and relax,
stretch out if you want. And enjoy your visit.

My given name is Wolf_among_many,
and I am very honored to have the Wolf
as my spirit guide. Sometimes when I am
feeling alone and lost, I just have to
remember, we are never alone.

The great Gitchie Mantio (The Creator),
sent us Me-en’-gun (The Wolf),to be our friend
and to walk, talk, and play with us.

Wolf Painting

Now I know that alot of you have been
listening and reading alot of the different
beliefs, concerns and horrors on Wolves.
But that is not what I plan on doing here.
I believe we all have our own thoughts and concerns
about wolves, and those of us that have webpages
about them, this is our way of expressing ourselves.
What I would like to do is share some of my
thoughts and my expereince with wolves.
Plus other aspects of my life, and family.

This is my Guardian Angel.
No, I didn't adopt her.
My Guardian Angel is my Grandmother
She was a great lady, and I admired her very much.
She taught me alot about standing up straight
and being my own person, She always told me,
"There is no such thing as "HAVE TO"."
"You do what you feel is right in your heart."
I was sadden by her loss, but I know she still
watches over me.
Grandma, I love and miss you.

My New Page

Timber Wolf Imformation NetWork

Click on Paws to take you to my other links.

My Name My Journey Our New Beginning My Mates Web Pages My Pups WebPages Our Cabin My Gifts and Awards My WebRings Child Within Help the Missing Children My Friends Links To My Friends Let It Go Win My Award

Check out my VOTW Page

This is BabyTimber.
I adopted her (9/30/98).
I fell in love with her
the minute I saw her.
She roams the back woods
of Northern Minnesota.
If interested in adopting a Wolf,
Please do, as they need our help

Thanks Chandos Wolf
For The Beautiful Plaque

Author Unknown

If you stand very still in the heart of the woods,
you will hear many wonderful things
the snap of a twig and the wind in the trees
and whir of invisible wings,

If you stand very still in the turmoil of life and
wait for the voice from within
you will be led down the quiet pathways of wisdom and peace
in a mad world of chaos and din.

If you stand very still and hold to your faith
you will get all the help that you ask.
You will draw from the silence the things that you need
hope and courage and strength for your task.


Suddenly it is clear to me
A flash of light has shown
That I had not been seeing things
I surely should have known

How could I be so blind to this
And how could I ignore
The signs he laid before me
Like tracks left on a shore

The great bear is my father
As wolf, I am his son
The mother, swan - the daughter, dove
We all live life as one

The eagle soars on high to scream
The words we need to hear
The words of how we came about
The words of love and fear

We live within the creatures
We live to serve the earth
These words from the Creator
He spoke them at the birth

How have we strayed so far from him
How can we now get back
How can we now apologize
For all that which we lack

To carry out his prophecy
And not to cower in fright
But take a stand right here - right now
To finally do what's right

© Richard Buckingham '99

Help Stop
The Violence!

Please Help
the Children!

Just for fun, I took these Coarses at WebTech University.
It was fun, and very informative.
Click on the Dipolmas to learn more.

Be Kind to our
4 legged friends Please!

E-Mail Me Please!

This is my new book please sign it :-)

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Black Dove